Monday, 17 August 2015

There is no bigger question...

"Christians live on a different planet!"  A comment sometimes heard from those who think we are a bit silly in believing in faith in God, but there is a lot of truth in it!   

Physicist Stephen Hawking, in launching his great search for intelligent life in the universe recently said; "…there is no bigger question.  It’s time to commit to finding the answer, to search for life beyond Earth.  We must know.”   Well, as a Christian I would not discount the possibility of other God-created life  in an infinite universe, but I certainly would redefine what 'finding life' actually means, and what the 'no bigger question' is.  I will do so by sharing a very recent example.  

A member of our church has been to their sick and dying younger brother several times, encouraging him to turn to Jesus, to believe His love and forgiveness of sin and receive Jesus' very life that He brings into us.   The brother could or would not see it, until one night, he did decide to call out to Jesus, and he found indeed he was 'born again' spiritually into new life in Jesus Christ.  A fascinating thing has happened - this man, given no hope by wonderful specialists, is recovering physically as I write this.  It is a beautiful God-thing.  How long he will have on this planet, we don't know, but as he finally came into peace with God in his 'inner man', now his physical 'outer man' is responding too.  

How absolutely natural and wonderful is the spiritual life in Christ, that brings us to being one with God and with all God has created.  There is "no bigger question" have you found the Way, the Truth and the Life?  Tune in your inner listening ear to Jesus Christ. 

Stewart Patrick 
Leader, Mangapapa Church, Gisborne 
Published in the Gisborne Herald Saturday 8 August 2015 

Stewart will be known by many for his earlier work with Youth for Christ, and has now been the leader at Mangapapa Church for the last few years.  He leads his church - God's church - with a strong commitment to the word of God as being the truth, and the importance of staying "in the vine".

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