Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Six People

Recently I have made a priority to spend time just one on one with my son, so every Monday afternoon him and I head out for a bike ride, throwing a ball etc.

We have done many things together as a family and enjoyed every minute but to have this time together as father and son is great.  Often as men we think we need to be teaching our kids lessons every time we are with them I have seen how just hanging out with no ‘teaching’ agenda has been great for our relationship. To put aside the stresses of the day and give him the time he deserves has been good for me as well as my son. 

I have thought about the many tamariki out there in our community who don’t have fathers and how can we as a community show love and care for these ones. They say it takes six good adults to help form and shape a well- rounded person, six people that contribute by being caring and consistent.  We have welcomed other trusted men and woman into the lives of our children; my wife and I realize from our own lives the importance of having good mentors and role models. This community approach to raising our children helps give them a greater multi dimensional way of seeing the world. As with the body of Christ we all have different God given skills and giftings that can contribute to the lives of others. Is there space in our busy lives to mentor and help grow others less fortunate? They often are the ones who end up teaching us.

 Even involving a young person in our normal everyday activities can make a huge impact on them, you don’t have to make additional time in your busy week just bring them along side you and your families routines, washing the car, going to the beach etc.  Of course there is an importance of getting to know the rest of the whanau to build trust, this in itself is a great way to connect community.

A work colleague of mine told me that one of the best memories he had as a young nine year old boy was when a youth group leader picked him up and took him to buy a loaf of bread from the local dairy once a week.

When someone takes the time to care it can be an influence that can last forever.

Much Love,  Jason Akuhata-Brown

Jason and his wife Councillor Meredith Akuhata-Brown are well known in Gisborne for their work in the community, particularly in Kaiti where they live alongside the people they care for and learn from.

Published in the Gisborne Herald 16 August 2014

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