Wednesday 26 August 2015

What flag will we choose?

I am interested to see what flag is chosen as this flag will represent what New Zealanders see as important.   

As a nation God has blessed us and continues to bless us.  We live in a beautiful country, the work of God’s creation, located in the Southern hemisphere, represented by imagery of the Southern Cross. We live in a nationa colony of Britain, represented by the Union Jack and founded with a Treaty that attempted to establish principles for Maori and Pakeha to live together.  We live in a society with a justice system founded on the 10 commandments.  New Zealanders have benefited greatly from God’s work and following his guidance. 

God’s greatest work for the world occurred at the cross, where Jesus chose to die for our sin so that we could be forgiven, restored into relationship with our Heavenly Father and live forever.  For God  loved the world so much he gave his only Son, so that anyone who  believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Just as the Southern Cross helped sailors navigate to New Zealand so the work on the cross guides us to our Heavenly fatherto peace on earth now and to eternal life. 

The Bible records how nations prospered when they listened and obeyed God and were conquered or destroyed when they did not.  Our national anthem reflects our acknowledgement that we once wanted God’s help. But do you still talk and listen to Him? The answer to this question affects your life now and in the future. Regardless of what flag is chosen, the Southern Cross will shine bright in the sky and God’s work on the cross is complete “Jesus is the King of Kings and Prince of peace”. 

Nicola Hawkins
Mangapapa Church

Published in the Gisborne Herald 22 August 2015

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